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  • Posters should be written in English (including figures and tables).   Posters in English are preferred, but Spanish and Portuguese are also accepted. Participants should be prepared to interact with English, Spanish, and Portuguese speakers.

  • The days of poster exhibitions are available in the Program section of the event website. Posters should be placed in their respective supports at the beginning of the day of  presentation (before 9:00am) and removed at the end of the day (until 6:15pm).

  • Dimensions: 90cm width x 120cm height. Poster orientation  should be Portrait, as the supports don’t allow placing the poster in landscape position (see image). 

  • Posters should be constructed with a supporting mount (wood, metal or plastic) in both the superior and inferior margins. Those mounts are necessary for displaying the poster in the supports (see image). Mount diameter should not exceed  2.3cm .

  • Poster title, author list, address, and e-mail should be located in the upper section of the poster. The name of the author presenting the poster should be underlined and a picture of him/her should be located at the left side of the author list (see example). The suggested size for this image is 7-8cm wide.

  • Posters should include a clear and short description of the different topics of the study (Introduction, Methods, Discussion, and Conclusions). Only insert References when necessary.

  • Posters should be legible from a distance of at least 1.5 meters. We suggest a font of 80pt for headlines and at least 36pts for main text.

  • We recommend having miniature copies (on A4 or 8.5 x 11 paper) of your poster available for those interested in a copy.

  • Avoid posters with too much text, give more importance to graphic representations. The posters should be readable in a few minutes.

  • Special attention should be given to color schemes. Remember that some people are color blind and that putting text on a similarly-colored background or picture may make it difficult to read.

Guidelines for the preparation of posters
Guidelines for the preparation of oral presentations
  • Every room will have  a computer and a slide projector.

  • In order to guarantee the correct exhibition of your presentation, we recommend that you bring your files in PDF format. We cannot guarantee support for other formats (ppt, pptx, etc.) and its use will be at authors own risk. .

  • Total presentation time will be 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. We will provide visual warnings at 5 and 8 minutes and an  alarm will ring after 10 minutes indicating the end of your presentation. Prepare carefully in order to not exceed this time.

  • Authors should deliver the files with the presentation at least 3 hours before the beginning of the corresponding session at the registration desk of the meeting. For file transfer, the presenter should bring a virus-free flash drive, that will be connected to the registration desk computer. Files delivered within less than 3 hours from the beginning of the session will not be accepted and the presentation cancelled. The registration desk will be located by the side of the main room entrance.

From March 15 to August 7, 2017, participants are invited to send their abstracts to the XXII Simpósio de Mirmecologia. Abstracts submitted after August 7, 2017, will not be evaluated. All abstracts will be evaluated by a scientific committee to determine their suitability for the meeting. Some studies will be selected by the Scientific Committee for oral sessions, depending on the originality, scientific contribution and relevance for the event.

Authors will be communicated by September 25, 2017, if their abstract has been accepted (or rejected). Also, based on the judgment of our Scientific Committee, the authors will be communicated if their abstract will be presented as a poster or an oral presentation. Rejected abstracts will be informed by Email. Each registered attendee can submit up to two abstracts as first author (i.e., the person responsible for presentation). In order to perform abstract submission, authors must fulfill registration requirements including the payment of registration fees. The abstracts will only be considered for evaluation after conferment of registration payment. You can submit your abstract at the time of registration or later, through the link that will be sent after confirming the registration.

Abstracts must be written in English using Microsoft Word® 6.0 or later. Text should be single spaced and justified to the left and only Times New Roman font - size 12 - should be used. Page layout: A4; margins: 2.5 cm (all). Words limit: 400 (main text); 30 (title).

It will be considered for evaluation abstracts either from studies in initial development, studies with partial results or concluded studies. Nevertheless, it is important to state in the main text in which developmental stage is the study.

Abstracts should include:

1. Study title: in bold capital letters with scientific names in italic;

2. Author(s) name(s): first and middle name initials followed by the surname in capital letters. The name of the author presenting the work should be underlined; different authors should be separated by commas apart from the last two which should be separated by “&”.

3. Author(s) affiliation(s): institution name, full address and email address of the main author, followed by the institution name, city, state and country of all other authors (when different). Different addresses should be separated by a semicolon and numbered according to author.

4. Main text: One paragraph only. It must include the adequate background (introduction) behind your study that gives support to the main objectives. It should be given especial attention to explicitly state the research objective(s) and questions. The abstract must also include a short description of the main method(s) used (what did you do and how did you do it) and obtained (or expected) partial or final result(s). Finally, the abstract must include the main conclusions of the study, indicating clearly which are (or will be) the contributions to the Myrmecological knowledge and related areas. Do not use citations or subtitles (e.g. Introduction, Objectives etc). Do not explicitly mention the results of statistic tests on your abstract. Considering the historic of great diversity of professional profiles and specialties of the symposium attendants, it is recommended that the abstract should be written using a clear and familiar language to a broad public, avoiding (whenever possible) specific terms of the corresponding sub-area.

5. Research grants and other sources of funding should be listed at the end of the main text, between brackets (click here to see “Abstract example”).

Abstract preparation guidelines
Submit your abstract

In order to perform abstract submission, authors must fulfill registration requirements including the payment of registration fees. The abstracts will only be considered for evaluation after conferment of registration payment.  


There are two alternative ways for submitting your abstract(s):

First option: Submit your abstract(s) during Registration. Note that in the registration page there is an option to attach your abstract, and also to select in which areas of Myrmecology your abstract fits in (1. Taxonomy, systematics, biogeography and paleontology; 2. Biology/natural history, behavior; 3. Morphology, physiology & genetics; 4. Population and community ecology; 5. Interactions between ants and plants, and between ants and other arthropods; 6. Bioindication, conservation, bioinvasion and pest control).

Second option: Submit your abstract(s) after performing the Registration. During performing the registration process, you may opt to not attach an abstract file. In this case, you will receive an email confirming your registration and also containing a link to the registration edition page. Save this link and when you are ready to submit your abstract you must use it to access the proper registration forms and attach your abstract. ATTACH YOUR ABSTRACT ONLY BY USING THIS LINK! DO NOT START A NEW REGISTRATION FORM, OTHERWISE YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO PRESENT A NEW CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION FEES PAYMENT.    


Regardless of choice of submission alternatives, all abstracts should be sent as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx files). Abstracts sent as PDFs will not be accepted. You will receive a confirmation e-mail up to seven days after submission. For questions, please contact us through the webpage “Contact”, on the event website or write to

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